Assault Offences

Being charged with assault can be a life-changing and devastating experience, especially for people that have had little to no experience or interaction with the criminal justice system.
That is why it is important to speak to an expert Criminal Lawyer before attending court or making any decisions when it comes to how you respond to being charged by police.
We offer free, no obligation consultations with one of our expert Criminal Lawyers, so you can ensure you know your rights and where you stand.

It is important you speak with an expert criminal lawyer as soon as possible. Being convicted of Assault could have significant consequences on your future.
Joshua Blom Lawyers are criminal law experts with over 20 years’ experience in the criminal justice system.
Our firm was started by an ex-police officer who not only regularly prosecuted assault matters but also investigated them. We know the process back to front, and we’ll work with you to get you the best possible outcome in all of the circumstances.